Environmental Science Research Topics

List of Environmental Science Research Topics according to branches;

Environmental research topics are one of the many subjects that cover various aspects of the environment and the issues that arise from them. Nowadays, the health of the environment is influenced by multiple external factors, necessitating close monitoring and analysis. When it comes to environmental project topics, one must be creative in choosing a topic and effectively presenting ideas to capture the attention of professors. Because research about ecological issues encompasses a wide range of concepts, narrowing down a single topic for discussion may be difficult.


To assist you in selecting the best environmental-related project topics, we have compiled a list of the top environmental science research topics. Check it out before you efficiently develop your research topic ideas.

Environmental Science and Health

  1. Determination of Heavy Metals and Potential Health Risks in Market Vegetables to the Public

Heavy metal contamination in soil has become a common problem in many countries and therefore, the crops grown over such contaminated soil become subjected to the accumulation of many toxic heavy metals. This study will find the presence of different heavy metals in the vegetable samples collected from the local market, their concentration, and the health impacts associated with different heavy metals detected in the samples.


  1. Analysis of Indoor Air Quality of Rural Households Burning Biomass as Cooking Fuel

Rural households in developing countries have little to no access to clean energy sources therefore, they are dependent on biomass fuel burning. But biomass fuel burning is one of the major causes of indoor air pollution and associated morbidities. This research will focus on the determination of indoor air quality to analyze whether the indoor environment is healthy or toxic for the household members to breathe and what interventions can help prevent such health risks.


  1. Quantification of Indoor Air Pollution Within Schools Situated in Roadside Localities

Vehicular emissions are one of the biggest sources of air pollution. The outdoor air quality has a significant impact on the indoor air quality of buildings nearby the road. In this study, the indoor air quality of schools located in roadside localities will be measured and compared with standards to understand the importance of school location with respect to ambient air quality.

  1. Assessment Health Risks Associated With Heavy Metals in Different Cosmetic Products

Long-term dermal contact with heavy metals can have many carcinogenic health outcomes. Different cosmetic brands use organic and synthetic pigments. But synthetic pigments contain heavy metals. Therefore, this research will focus on heavy metal assessment of different cosmetic products of various brands and will find which brands are producing unhealthy cosmetic products.

  1. Comparative Study of Assessing Indoor Air Pollution and Health Impacts Between Conventional and Improved Cookstoves Among Biomass Fuel Users

One of the sustainable interventions introduced to control biomass emissions and pollution is the improved cooking stove. In order to compare what concentration of pollutants can be controlled through the installment of an improved cooking stove in contrast to a traditional cookstove, this research will be done in rural households to determine the health and environmental benefits of the cookstove intervention.

  1. Assessment of Health Impacts of Traffic-Related Air Pollution on Street Food Vendors

Street food vendors are continuously exposed to vehicular air pollution through dermal, oral, and nasal contact. Therefore, in this study, by using a survey-based questionnaire and spirometry analysis, the health impacts of air pollution among the local food vendors can be determined.


  1. Study of Toxic Impacts of Microplastic Pollution on Human Health

With the rapid population growth and huge waste generation, microplastic pollution due to its non-biodegradable nature has become a serious environmental and public health concern. In this study, the toxic carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic impacts of microplastic pollution will be determined among the human subjects. They will be studied by microscopic assessment of metabolic pathways of transfer and accumulation of microplastics on tissues and cells.


  1. Environmental Impact Assessment of a Commercial Nuclear Power Plant

Although nuclear power is a demanding renewable source of energy in a developing country, it is notorious for causing health damage to humans and biodiversity. This study will explore the potential health impacts of nuclear energy among the workforce in nuclear industrial setup using subjective and objective methodologies.


  1. Study of The Role of Animal Fecal Waste in The Occurrence Of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria in Urban Water of The City

Excessive use of antibiotics can result in creation of advanced anti-biotic resistant bacteria. These antibiotic resistant bacteris can cause several health issues. This paper will focus on how the consumption of the contaminated food or water increases risk of infection. Moreover, coming into direct contact with animals can raise the risk of contracting an infection. At the end of the day you may become colonized by bacteria resistant to antibiotics.


  1. Investigation of Carcinogenic Health Effects and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Resulting From Barbeque Fumes

This research will explore the link between polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons present in barbeque fumes and their carcinogenicity due to dermal deposition. In addition to the linkage, this study will also try to investigate the dose intake through dermal contact.

Environmental Science Research Topics ideas

Environmental Science and Climate Change

  1. Determination of Carbon Sequestration Potential of Artificial Forests as a Tool to Mitigate Climate Change

Carbon sequestering lends a major hand in preventing the earth’s atmosphere from the entry of carbon dioxide and artificial forests have proved to be of great benefit in lessening the damage that is caused by climate change as a result of excessive absorption of carbon dioxide into the earth’s atmosphere. So, the purpose of this research would be on determining how artificial forests help in preventing our environment from extreme climatic changes through their carbon sequestering potential.


  1. Study of the Implications of Climate Change on the Agricultural Sector

Climate change poses an important threat to the agriculture sector as a number of people are involved in the agriculture sector. So, in case of any extreme climate change such as drought, warm oceans, melting of glaciers, or storms changes the temperature of agricultural areas and also the irrigation water quantity and quality is disturbed. Patterns of rainfall also change. So, this study would conclusively determine all the impacts of climate change that we observe in the agriculture sector.


  1. Analyzing the Role of Renewable Energy on Mitigating Climate Change

Renewable energy sources are a blessing in the sense that they help in mitigating the impact of climate change on our environment. They are in abundance in our environment and by their use, we can help in protecting the environment from contamination by greenhouse gases. This research will analyze how such sources of renewable energy would lower or stop climate change.


  1. Determination of Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resources

Water sources can be heavily damaged by the impacts of climate change. Majorly it increases the chance of droughts and floods occur and damage the water resources.

The rate of floods and droughts is increasing day by day due to climate change so this study will focus on the impacts of climate change in varying the precipitation patterns that change the nature of water sources.


  1. Determination of Impacts of Climate Change on the Trade Sector

Climate change, being an environmental concern worldwide, is negatively impacting countries and their economy.  Unfortunately, climate change is also affecting the trade sector as extreme weather conditions play a pivotal role in changing or more precisely destroying the transport infrastructure. It also causes low agricultural production. This research will be based on how climatic changes affect the trade sector by increasing the trade cost.


  1. Possible Rainwater Harvesting Options For Arid Regions as an Adaptation to Climate Change

Precipitation levels are majorly affected due to climate change. Arid areas are basically dry and desert areas. Rainwater harvesting would be the best option for making use of this water and it would also avoid pumping costs. So, this study will focus on the collection of rainwater and its absorption in arid areas to avoid climate change damage.


  1. Impacts of Agricultural GHG Emissions on Climate Change

Climate change is a major disaster as it helps in the emission of greenhouse gases in a ratio of 20-3- percent. These gases including ozone, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane, etc. cause global warming which as a result changes climate patterns. So, this study will find how these GHG gases pose a threat to our environment by changing our climate.


  1. Investigating Feasible Desalination Technologies for Coastal Communities to Prevent Water Insecurity Issues

Coast water is high in salt content and is not a good option for drinking and cooking purposes. Desalination technologies aim on removing the excessive salt content of water and making it useful for use purposes. Reverse osmosis (RO) is greatly known for its effective results and is also cost-friendly. This research will aim on finding feasible technologies for water desalination in coastal areas.


  1. Culturing and Breeding of Heat-Tolerant Wheat Crops as a Tool For Climate Change Adaptation

Climate change is notorious due to the production of greenhouse gases as these gases destroy the natural climate patterns of the environment as a result of global warming. Many heats tolerant wheat crops are used as a tool to adapt to the increasing climate change issues and to cope with the changing environment. This research will find new ways to culture these wheat crops and would focus on increasing their breeding rate.


  1. Determination of the Carbon Footprint of Tourism Activities

Roughly 8% of the carbon dioxide is emitted during tourism activities. The carbon footprint of tourism activities tells us the carbon emission due to activities that directly or indirectly involve tourists such as their vehicle use, transportation, and carbon content in the food or in other commodities purchased by them. So, this study will focus on finding the carbon footprint that involves the tourism community

Environmental Science and Sociology

  1. The Role of Environmental Science School Projects in Developing Students’ Knowledge and Interest in Environmentalism

Environmental science is considered a basic science field these days and a great variety of research is also being conducted in this field. The environment is a major asset of mankind and due to the direct involvement of this subject in students’ courses, students are well aware of their duty to prevent the environment and they are more focused on environmentalism. This study will be carried out in educational institutes to find the efficacy of these projects on students’ role in environmentalism.


  1. Future Implications of Population Growth on Energy Consumption and Insecurity

Population growth is one of the major issues of today’s era.  Fulfilling the energy needs of this growing population can lead to further environmental degradatiom. The carrying capacity of resources is greatly affected due to population growth as experts say we are on the verge of energy shortage. This study will aim in finding how population growth is affecting the availability of energy.


  1. Study of Impacts of Poverty on Maternal Health

The maternal depression rate is increasing day by day due to low-income sources. Studies have also shown that women in developed countries are at a lower risk of maternal depression as compared to those who live in developing countries. Poverty is also a cause of advising maternal health and this research will focus on finding the major drawbacks that come whole affecting maternal health.


  1. Assessment of Teaching-Related Occupational Stress

Many people involved in the educational sector remotely fall a victim to burnout which is a work-related stress disorder. Stress affects the overall performance and teaching efficiency of a teacher. Occupational stress is very common these days due to the increased workload on teachers. This study will be conducted in an educational institute and would find what work-related issues cause occupational stress.


  1. Exposure and Health Risk Assessment Among Paint Labors

Paint laborers are at a greater risk of akin, eye, and heart diseases due to various chemicals present in painting products. They can also become victims of different skin allergies. Paint laborers when exposed to organic substances such as toluene and methyl alcohol can get their nervous system damaged. This study will help in finding the ways in which the exposure of paint workers to these chemicals can be avoided and how their health risks can be lowered.


  1. Occupational Hazards Among Agricultural Workers

Many economies entirely depend on their agricultural sector and have a great workforce in this field. So, it is a field of tough work which can also involve some potential occupational hazards such as heatstroke, respiratory damage, diseases caused by insects, and biological and environmental hazards. This research will focus on finding how agriculture workers are at high risk of occupational hazards.


  1. Assessment of Community Perceptions and Participation Toward Local Ecotourism Development

Local ecotourism development is also important for the well-being of local people. It would increase the opportunities for self-governance. The involvement of the local community and their participation in local ecotourism development would increase the chances of their collaboration with different stakeholders. The purpose of this research is how community involvement supports the development options of ecotourism.


  1. Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of the Young Generation Towards Eco Entrepreneurship

It is an era of eco entrepreneurship. Eco entrepreneurship is based on finding the solution to market problems and finding the challenges faced during development. Eco entrepreneurs are also known as green entrepreneurs. They support income-generating products and provide job opportunities for people around the world. This study would assess the work practices followed by eco-entrepreneurs.


  1. Investigating the Role of Social Media in Raising Awareness About Climate Change Among Youth

The power of social media must be used in raising awareness among nations. Not only youth but the elderly community also uses various platforms of social media for information and entertainment purposes. Social media plays a basic role in informing the youth about ongoing patterns of climate change. Social media campaigns spread awareness about the drastic effects of climate change. This research will focus on finding the pivotal role of society that makes youth aware of their environmental crisis.


  1. A Survey of Perceived Aesthetic Values Towards Choosing Between Clothing Made From Virgin Vs Recycled Materials

Both virgin clothing and clothing made from recycled materials have different aesthetic values for different people. Some people solely prefer virgin clothing, and some people find it fascinating and useful to use clothing made from renewable resources as it creates space, reduces pollution, and is environmentally friendly. This survey will assess the aesthetic values attached to clothes and will involve people using virgin and environment-friendly clothes.

Environmental Science and Green Innovation/Green Economy

  1. Recycling and Conversion of Plastic Waste into Sustainable Pavement Bricks and Tiles

Currently, an important use of plastic waste is to convert it into bricks and tiles that are later used for pavement purposes. Extra plastic is mixed with sand which as a result of high heat is converted into bricks and tiles which are later molded into different-sized blocks. This study will carry out detailed research on how recycling plastic waste into bricks and tiles is carried out.


  1. Harnessing Biogas From Animal Dung as a Clean Energy Resource in a Rural Community

Biogas has high calories and is a useful energy source. Waste-to-energy plants use cow manure and anaerobic digestion of this dung converts the biodegradable waste into biogas which serves as an energy source. This energy source is clean and usable. This research will assess the practices related to harnessing energy in the form of biogas from animal dung.


  1. Densification of Agricultural Residues into Sustainable Fuel Pellets

Agricultural biomass can be densified through two processes. In mechanical densification pressure is applied for making solid fuel and in pyrolysis, biomass is subjected to temperature this process is carried out in the absence of oxygen which converts the agricultural residues into energy pellets. This research is focused on the densification process to get fuel pellets that can serve as an energy source.


  1. Estimation of Electricity Potential of Renewable Energy Resources to Combat Existing Energy Insecurities

Renewable energy resources include energy obtained from wood, biomass, wind, solar energy, geothermal energy, etc. These are promising sources of energy and also have electrical potential. 0.23 Watts of electricity can be produced by 1kW of solar energy. This study would find the electricity-producing potential of all the renewable sources of energy that are in current use.


  1. Valorization of Agricultural Residues in the Production of Biosorbents for Heavy Metal Removal

Valorization of agricultural waste is beneficial as agricultural residues are easy to obtain, cost-friendly, and have the property of reuse. These residues can be valorized by converting them into bio-sorbents. Bio-sorbents have the amazing property of absorbing heavy metal ions in an aqueous solution. So, this study will focus on the effects of the valorization process and the usage efficiency of bio-sorbents in removing heavy metals.


  1. Study of Application of Agricultural Wastes in Concrete Aggregates

Concrete aggregate production causes pressure on the ecological environment. The use of agricultural waste as a concrete aggregate would help in lowering this pressure. Agriculture waste can be used as a replacement for cement. This study will find what are the possible uses of using agricultural residues in concrete aggregates.


  1. Determination of Carbon Sequestration Potential of Green Roofs: An Approach to Climate Change Mitigation

Green roofs have the beneficial property of absorbing carbon dioxide. The green roof helps in absorbing pollutants and sequestering carbon by its natural carbon dioxide absorbing capacity. They are also beneficial in carbon sequestering from soil and in plants. This study will find the carbon sequestering ability of green roofs and their contribution to lowering climate change impacts.


  1. Study the Impact of Fertilizer Obtained From Chicken Feathers on Plant Growth

Chicken feathers have keratin protein and are used by a variety of microbes as their nitrogen and carbon source. These feathers when degraded produce amino acids and plants make use of these peptides and amino acids in enhancing their growth. This research will find out the impact of fertilizers obtained from chicken feathers on plant growth.


  1. Studying Pyrolytic Conversion of Plastic Waste into Recycled Fuel: An Approach to Circular Economy

Pyrolysis is considered a common technique for making use of plastic waste and converting it into a source of energy. Pyrolysis converts plastic into some form of solid, liquid, or gaseous form of energy that becomes a part of the circular economy. This study is focused on studying how the process of this conversion imparts positive impacts on our economy.


  1. Application of Lignocellulosic Agro-Waste in Bioplastic Production

Lignin and lignocellulosic fibers are considered natural bioresources. Lignocellulosic waste can be used in bioplastic production that would not only contribute towards reducing pollution but would also come out as a major replacement for plastic fiber. This study would discuss new applications of bioplastic produced from lignocellulosic waste and their beneficial outcomes in the environment.

Environmental Science and Ecology

  1. Quantifying the Ecological Role of Coral Reefs in Carbon Sequestration and Climate Change Mitigation

Coral reefs have tiny cells that are efficient in storing and absorbing carbon. They have a close association with beds of sea grass, algae, and even mangrove and thus they all carry out the process of carbon sequestering while living inside coral reefs. This research will quantify the basic ecological role of coral reefs in preventing climate change.


  1. Estimation of Economic and Health Implications of Air Pollution From the Agricultural Sector

Nine percent of air pollution is caused by the agriculture sector in developed countries and this ratio is even greater in developing countries due to their poor infrastructure. This air pollution not only affects the economic value of the agriculture sector but also causes various health issues among the inhabitants of this environment. This study would estimate the economic impact by finding the ratio of labor affected by air pollution that as a result becomes unable to work in the agriculture sector.


  1. Assessment of Ecological Stress Induced By Rapid Urbanization in a Metropolitan City on Biodiversity and Natural Ecosystems

An increase in population growth and rapid urbanization are the main causes of decreased biodiversity and the vanishing of natural ecosystems. Much of the natural area is cleared out for making space for inhabitants of the earth which affects wildlife and affects the natural ecosystem badly. It creates an ecologically stressful environment.  This study will focus on the drawbacks and threats posed by population growth to natural ecosystems.


  1. Ecological Effects of Deforestation on Local Community

Deforestation is one of the potential causes of climate change. Deforestation also causes desertification and erodes soil. It, as a result, increases the incidence of floods, lowering crop production, and droughts. This research will help in examining the ecological role associated with deforestation on local inhabitants.


  1. Estimation of Health Effects of Plastic Pollution on Marine Life

The marine population can mistakenly take plastic waste for prey. This plastic fills their stomach and due to starvation, they die. Plastic pollution can also cause infections in marine life, internal injuries, and lacerations. It also affects their swimming ability. This study will find the destructive effects caused by plastic on marine life.


  1. Investigation of Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Coral Reefs as a Consequence of Climate Change

Corals are very beneficial and environment-friendly as they help in preventing climate change. Corals that grow in water having high acidity will be thinner and will have decreased ability to sequester carbon. This ability change would also interfere with the increased impacts of climate change. This research will deliver the effects of acidity on the climate-preserving ability of coral reefs.


  1. The Study of Morphological Characteristics of Roadside Plants in Comparison to Garden-Side Plants

Morphological differences are quite easy to find between roadside and garden-side plants. Roadside plants have a bushy and rough appearance and possess the quality of reducing air pollution on the roadside. While garden-side plants are smooth in appearance. This study would compare the morphology of both plants and would elaborate on their contrasting features.


  1. Ecological and Socioeconomic Benefits of Ecologically Restored River

Restoration of rivers helps greatly lower the chances of climate change. It helps in avoiding the risk of floods and causes ecological advances. Re-engineering channels are used for restoring rivers which also contributes to the improvement of natural habitats. This study would be based on the benefits that river restoration provides us.


  1. The Socio-Ecological Effects of Dumping Untreated Industrial Wastewater into Freshwater Reservoirs

Dumping of untreated waste is a major source of water pollution that causes freshwater life to be a threat of life. Untreated waste from households and industries is dumped in freshwater that contained various harmful chemicals. This study would enlist the ecological effects that come with adding hazardous compounds in freshwater.


  1. Studying the Potential of Algae in Wastewater Treatment

Using microalgae in wastewater treatment is a promising way to reduce water pollution. It has the traits to absorb heavy metals and toxic organic compounds. As a result, it treats water with greater efficiency. This research would study the potential role of algae as a wastewater treatment microbe.

Environmental Science and Chemistry

  1. Quantification of Air Pollution Generated From Brick Kilns

The brick kiln is very intense and produces carbon specifically black carbon which is a major component of air pollution and leads to climate change. Pollutants from brick kilns impose various cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. This study would quantify the pollution generated in the air due to excessive carbon emission by brick kilns.


  1. Health Impacts of Biomass Fuel Burning Among Children in Rural Areas

Burning biomass for cooking and heating purposes is imposing serious threats to human health. Even children are highly exposed to the residues produced by the burning of biomass. It causes various health issues including asthma, neurodegenerative disorders, and heart and lung diseases among children. This study would draw all the drastic effects of biomass fuel burning on children who inhabit rural areas.


  1. Development of Food Waste Biorefinery as a Path to a Circular Economy

The purpose of the biorefinery is the conversion of wastes obtained from food sources into various sources of energy and chemicals. Biofuels can be obtained from food waste. This research will emphasize the development of biorefinery and its possible outcomes in supporting the economy.


  1. Conversion of Agricultural Residues into Biochar-Based Biofertilizers as a Sustainable Agriculture Approach

Biochar product is the carbon-rich product. Carbon is also an important component of agricultural waste. So, agricultural residues can be converted into biochar fertilizers. This process is accomplished through pyrolysis and these biofertilizers can increase soil health and fertility. This survey will examine crop yield as a result of improved soil health.


  1. Determination of Water Footprint of a Leather Bag: A Cradle-To-Grave Analysis

The formation of leather products also involves a large amount of water and is a water-intensive process. For example, almost seventeen thousand liters of water is required for forming a leather bag. This raises the concern regarding the water scarcity issue worldwide. This study would determine the water footprint that is required in leather bag formation.


  1. Estimation of Potential Environmental and Health Impacts of Incineration Plant for Waste Management

Incineration plants manage waste products. These plants also have pros and cons. Theo’s side effects include the production of air pollutants that contribute to climate change. These pollutants are damaging to health as they can cause cancer, immune defects, and respiratory, and heart issues. This research will estimate the harmful impacts of incineration plants on human health.


  1. Value Addition of Agricultural Residues in the Production of Animal Feed

Rice and wheat straw, corn stover, and husk of rice are agricultural residues that can be used in animal feed. The use of agricultural residues also helps in maintaining soil fertility. This research would examine the nutritional value of agricultural residues being used in animal feed.


  1. Public Awareness and Attitude Towards Smog Pollution and Control

Smog pollution puts people at higher risk of asthma and other respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. We should minimize fossil fuel burning during the winter season to lower the levels of smog pollution. This study would focus on making the public aware of the hazardous effects of smog pollution and would examine their attitude toward controlling smog.


  1. Is Recycling Always a Good Approach? : Study of Life Cycle Analysis of Recycled Paper Vs Virgin Paper

Recycling is a good approach, but this procedure is also tangible. Virgin paper does not contain any trace of the recycled element. It is made from fresh wooden pulp. While recycled paper is made from already-used paper. This study would conclude whether it is always good to recycle paper or not.


  1. Assessment of Potential Health Impacts of Poor Disposal Practices of Hospital Waste.

Hospital waste is a house of infectious agents. It can put patients, workers, and doctor’s life at risk of various diseases. Many cross infections can be caused when a person comes in contact with hospital wastes. This research will focus on the negative effects of hospital waste due to poor waste disposal practices and its effect on public health.

Environmental Science and Biology

  1. Study of The Environmental Impact of a Dumping Site on Soil and Water

The most common practice for the disposal of solid waste is dumping it in landfills. But what happens to the waste after this dumping? How will this waste be decomposed? How much time does it take to decompose? How all this process impacts our environment? What is its impact on soil and water? This study aims at finding answers to all these questions.


  1. Finding the Association Between Smog and Cardiovascular Health Outcomes

Air pollution can be more deadly than you expect. The polluted air we inhale has many hazardous contaminants that can result in serious health conditions. The smog situation in winter can be a great threat. Along with chest congestion and difficulty in breathing it can be a root for more lethal outcomes. The intention of this study is to determine the association between smog and cardiovascular health outcomes.


  1. Investigating Environmental and Climatic Factors That Favor The Surge of Dengue Virus

The surge of the Dengue virus is a major concern in many countries around the globe. At particular times of the year, this virus becomes a reason for numerous deaths resulting in implementing health emergencies. This study is concerned to investigate environmental and climatic factors that favor the surge of the dengue virus.


  1. Genetic Engineering of Salt-Tolerant Crop Hybrids For Agriculture on Saline Soil

With the increasing impacts of climate change, such as floods and droughts, it’s time to look for some advanced genetic engineering techniques that can favor the situation. The greater salt content in the soil makes it infertile or barren. Our study focuses on creating salt-tolerant crop hybrids by genetic engineering to enable cultivation on saline soil too.


  1. Introducing Drought-Tolerant Genes in Food Crops in Response to Climate Change Adaptation

Looking at the future of the globe with this extensive use of fossil fuels, we have to face more and more disasters. As all of us have to pay back for exploiting the planet this much. It is then wise to adapt according to the changing environmental conditions. For this purpose, this research will be an attempt to introduce drought-tolerant genes in food crops.


  1. Impacts of Urbanization on Birds’ Population Dynamics in a Fast-growing City

With extensive urbanization, we have destructed the homes of numerous birds and other species. As a result, the species has to suffer a lot. Many of them are now endangered and others had extinct. Besides all this, urbanization continues its course at a rapid speed. This study will hence find out the impacts of urbanization on birds’ population dynamics in a fast-growing city.


  1. Finding the Association Between Breast Cancer and Solar Radiation

The continous exposure to UV radiations coming from sun is a great threat to the cells of our body. These rays directly damage the DNA of human cells that can result in various types of cancer. So, this study will find out the possible association between breast cancer and solar radiation.


  1. Impact of Microplastic Pollution on Aquatic Life: A Rising Threat to Food Chain Contamination

What goes around comes around. Humans have been depleting natural water bodies with plastic for years. This home for countless species has been polluted to such an extent that this pollution is now a part of species themselves. This microplastic enters the fish bodies living in polluted water. Then it enters the body of human beings who eat those fish. This study is to enlighten the facts regarding the impact of microplastic pollution on aquatic life and how it can affect the food chain.


  1. Impact of Synthetic Fertilizer Application on the Quality of Soil

To keep up with the pace of the world and fulfil the growing food needs, several fertilizers are being used for rapid growth of crops. These synthetic fertilizers are made of several synthetic chemicals which can impose negative impacts on soil health and quality. This study hence revolves around finding the impact of synthetic fertilizer application on the quality of soil.


  1. Impact of Fertilizer Application on Fruit Quality and its Export

Synthetic fertilizers now are doing much harm than good. The fertilizers are a temporary treatment for the crops but has more adverse impacts. Similarly, it has negative effects on the quality of fruits grown eventually effecting the exports of the products. Carrying out this research has an objective to figure out the impact of fertilizer application on fruit quality and its export.

Environmental Science And Wastewater

  1. Removal of Antibiotics From Wastewater Using Microalgae: A Case-Control Trial

The excessive release of antibiotics in the environment has led to their immense resistance. Microalgae-based technology has emerged as a promising alternative to conventional methods for the removal of these antibiotics from wastewater via techniques of accumulation, hydrolysis, biodegradation, etc. This study aims to analyze the removal efficiency of resistant antibiotics from wastewater via different algal species.


  1. Treatment of Petroleum Industry Wastewater Through Cellulose-Based Materials

Wastewater being released from the petroleum industry has adverse impacts on the environment. Cellulose materials which are found commonly in marine animals and terrestrial plants can serve as good adsorbents for petroleum removal from wastewater. This research is aimed at assessing the potential of cellulose-based materials for petroleum wastewater treatment as flocculants, adsorbents, or separation membranes.


  1. Usage of Activated Carbon for Removal Of Chromium From Tannery Wastewater

Chromium is found in high levels in tannery wastewater and when released into the environment it causes great hazards to the entire biosphere. Activated carbon acts as a cheap and effective adsorbent for the removal of this pollutant from wastewater. The purpose of this research is to use activated carbon such as that from the sugar industry waste to remove Chromium (III) from wastewater from tanneries.


  1. Effective Wastewater Treatment by Biosynthesized Magnetite Nanoparticles

Waste biomass from different industries is expanding day by day and polluting our environment. The different biomolecules such as lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, amino acids, etc. from waste biomass can be modified into magnetite nanoparticles, which serve as eco-friendly wastewater treatment agents. This research focuses on cost-effective wastewater treatment through sustainably synthesized nanoparticles that can be used for the adsorption and degradation of water pollutants.


  1. Implementation of Tannery Solid Waste to Treat the Acid Dyes in Wastewater From a Leather Industry

The solid waste generated from tanneries is a huge problem. However, research has provided a solution to this problem. The cattle hair waste from tannery can be used as an efficient bio-sorbent for acid dyes in wastewater. The aim of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of this solid waste bio-sorbent in the removal of acid dyes that occur in wastewater.


  1. Removal of Heavy Metals from Wastewater Using Clay Adsorbents: A randomized Control Trial

Industrialization has led to the immense release of toxic heavy metals. The removal of these metals from wastewater is necessary to avoid their release and spread in the environment. Clay minerals act as efficient adsorbents of heavy metals. This research focuses on using clay minerals for adsorbing heavy metals and treating wastewater.


  1. Treatment of Laundry Wastewater Using Moving Bed Bio Reactor (Mbr)

Laundry wastewater is harmful as it contains several chemicals, detergents, and other impurities coming from washed clothes. The entry of such wastewater into water bodies can be harmful. The technology of Moving Bed Bio Reactor (MBR) can be effective for treating such wastewater. The aim of this research is to treat wastewater coming from laundry through the use of advanced wastewater treatment technology.


  1. Biological Degradation, An Effective Strategy to Treat the Municipal Wastewater

Municipal wastewater is a great concern as it contains many hazardous compounds. One of the effective methods is the biological degradation of various pollutants in such wastewater to avoid its leaching and entry into the environment. This research is based on using biological degradation as an effective method for treating sludge-loaded wastewater.


  1. Application of Phytoremediation for Effective Treatment of Livestock Wastewater

Wastewater coming from livestock is one of the biggest pollutants in the environment. It can be treated through the technique of phytoremediation which involves the usage of microorganisms and vegetation and is thus an eco-friendly option. The aim of the research is to use this sustainable approach of phytoremediation in treating wastewater coming from livestock.


  1. Assessing the Application of Agricultural Residues for Color Removal From the Textile Industry’s Wastewater

The addition of dyes from industrial processes gives rise to colored wastewater that is a great nuisance to the environment. The removal of color from wastewater before its release is necessary as these dyes can cause toxicity. This research focuses on the usage of agricultural residues as a sustainable alternative for effectively removing color from wastewater samples.

Environmental Science and Solid Waste

  1. Quantification and Characterization of Municipal Solid Waste for Improved Recycling Strategies

Municipal solid waste comprises many different types of waste such as metal, organic, plastic, inorganic, glass waste, etc. It is important to characterize these various categories in order to understand which waste type is being generated the most and take steps for recycling accordingly. The purpose of this research is the quantitative and qualitative assessment of Municipal Solid Waste.


  1. Estimation of Energy Generating Potential of Household Solid Waste

The solid waste being generated at household levels is in huge amounts and also in good enough form to have great energy. The untapped energy potential of such residential waste can be of great value. This research proposes on estimating the potential of energy in the waste being generated at the household level.


  1. Solid Waste Management Through Proper Assessment And Planning

Solid waste has become a major problem due to its continuously increasing amounts. It is high time that an integrated plan for the management of solid waste is enforced to control its pollution in the environment. The aim of this research is to carry out an in-depth assessment of the barriers in managing waste and then proposing a plan for effective waste management.


  1. Control of Leachate Release From Municipal Solid Waste Through Adsorbents Usage

Leachate produced from Municipal Solid Waste is highly hazardous as it seeps down not only contaminates the soil but also the groundwater. An effective way to avoid leachate contamination is via the use of adsorbents. This research intends to use adsorbents such as sand and activated carbon to control the seeping of leachate.


  1. Carrying Out Catalytic Pyrolysis of Municipal Solid Waste to Generate High-Quality Bio-Fuel

Municipal solid waste is a great nuisance to the environment as it occupies huge land and also pollutes the environment. One way to handle this waste is to convert it into fuel. Catalytic pyrolysis is an effective way for extracting good-quality fuel from waste. The research focuses on using catalysts in order to pyrolyze waste and extract liquid fuel from it.


  1. Organic Municipal Solid Waste Management Through Anaerobic Co-Digestion

The organic portion of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) has much potential to produce biogas if proper anaerobic digestion is carried out. The digestion of organic MSW can be enhanced by co-digesting it with sewage sludge or animal waste. The focus of the research is to carry out anaerobic digestion of organic MSW by co-digesting it with some other waste.


  1. Effectiveness Of Different Strategies in the Production of Organic Fertilizer From Waste Biomass

Solid waste management has become a great challenge in present times. The waste biomass can be used for the sustainable production of organic fertilizers that are beneficial for soil and crops. The research is aimed at using organic solid waste to produce fertilizer using various techniques for reducing waste and enhancing agricultural gains.


  1. Use of Electronic Waste for Recovery of Important Metals

Electronic waste is piling up in great amounts without any management. This waste contains many precious metals that if released into the environment can be harmful. The aim of this research is to utilize the potential of this e-waste and recover important metals from it using different metal recycling and recovery techniques.


  1. Characterization and Estimation of Recyclable Solid Waste in a University Campus

Recyclable solid waste that includes plastic, paper, and other types of waste is produced in great amounts in universities. The recycling of this waste can have a positive impact on the environment. The research focuses on quantifying and characterizing the recyclable portion of waste being generated and proposes a plan for the recovery of this recyclable fraction of waste.


  1. Phytoextraction of Solid Waste Landfill Leachate Through Duckweed

The leachate generated at the landfill site is hazardous as it contains metals and several other pollutants. One of the ways to handle this leachate is through phytoextraction of harmful compounds from it. The research is based on the usage of duckweed for extracting harmful metals from leachate to avoid their release into the environment.

Environmental Science and Air

  1. Monitoring of Urban Areas Particulate Matter (Pm 2.5) Concentrations

Particulate Matter (PM 2.5) is a major pollutant in urban areas. It is harmful as it penetrates the body and adversely affects human health. The aim of the research is to evaluate the concentration of PM 2.5 in urban areas so that its pollution levels can be monitored over time.


  1. Using O3-Based Chemiluminescence for Measurement of No2 Concentration in Outdoor Air

NO2 is a prime air pollutant that causes acid rain, smog, and air pollution. It is necessary to monitor its levels so that effective measures can be taken to control its release into the air. The research is aimed at measuring the levels of NO2 in outdoor air and comparing it with standards.


  1. Assessment of Indoor Air Pollution and its Negative Health Impacts in Homes Using Biomass

Biomass is very commonly used as fuel in homes located in villages and remote areas. This fuel causes great indoor air pollution and impacts human health by exposing them to PM 2.5. The focus of the research is to assess the air pollution levels in the indoor environment and measure air quality being deteriorated due to biomass burning.


  1. Evaluation of Heavy Metals in Indoor Dust Samples and Their Imposed Health Effects

Heavy metals are also widely distributed in the air and human inhalation of these metals has bad health impacts. It is important that levels of these metals in the dust be known. The purpose of this research is to collect dust samples from the indoor environment and determine heavy metal levels in it in order to evaluate human exposure to these metals.


  1. Assessment of the Impact of Frequent Wildfires on Air Quality

Wildfires have become a common happening due to intensified global warming and climate change. These fires emit gaseous pollutants and particulate matter that are harmful to the ecosystem and also adversely pollute the air. The research is aimed at assessing the deterioration in air quality due to wildfires that occur within a specific region.


  1. Monitoring the Impact of Vehicular Emissions on Urban Air Quality

Urban areas have very poor air quality due to emissions from various sources. However, the air quality degradation due to vehicular emissions is also important to be monitored. The purpose of the research is to monitor and evaluate the impact of vehicular emissions (CO, NOx, VOCs) on the air quality in an urban area.


  1. Air Quality Improvement by Porous Materials Made From Industrial By-Products

Air pollution is a major problem in the present day. The air is enriched with various harmful pollutants and particles. These pollutants can be removed to some extent by porous materials. The aim of this research is to use industrial by-products such as bottom ash and silica fume to remove pollutants from the air and improve its quality.


  1. Removal of Noxious Pollutants Through Nano-Titania-Based Construction Materials

Removal of pollutants from the air is important as they are harmful to human health and the biota. Nano-titania (n-TiO2) has great properties to degrade and convert harmful air pollutants into non-toxic ones. The purpose of this research is to produce construction materials such as bricks enriched with n-TiO2 in order to reduce air pollution.


  1. Co2 Capture From Air, Using Carbon-Based Adsorbents, Reducing The Greenhouse Effect

Carbon dioxide is a major greenhouse gas and its concentration in the environment is increasing continuously and causing adverse impacts on the ecosystem. The removal of this gas from the air can be beneficial. The research is focused on using cost-effective carbon-based adsorbents as effective tools for capturing and removing Carbon dioxide from the air.


  1. Evaluation of The Potential of Roadside Vegetation in the Removal of Particulate Matter From Air

Air pollution is a major environmental issue that needs to be tackled at all costs. Particulate matter is of greater concern as penetrates plant cells and also enters the human body where it causes negative impacts. This research is focused on evaluating the particulate matter up-taken and accumulated by plants alongside the road.

Environmental Science and Microplastics

  1. Investigation of the Concentrations of Microplastics in River Water and Sediments

Microplastics are ubiquitous and have become a major environmental concern. River water and sediments are heavily polluted with plastic waste that ultimately gets degraded into microplastics. The purpose of this research is to investigate the occurrence of microplastics in water and sediment samples collected during different seasons from a local river.


  1. Estimation of Microplastic Pollution Levels by Determining the Concentrations Uptaken by Freshwater Organisms

Microplastics due to their tiny size are easily ingested by water organisms. The organisms are badly harmed and often die due to intensified plastic toxicity. The aim of this research is to estimate the levels and types of microplastics typically up-taken and accumulated by organisms living in freshwater ecosystems.


  1. Measurement of Uptake and Entry of Pollutants in Marine Organisms Through Microplastics

Microplastics are harmful as they ability to bind various other pollutants along with them. Thus, these other pollutants bonded with microplastics also enter the organisms and cause a greater hazard. The present study is aimed at measuring the levels of other pollutants bonded with microplastics and accumulated in bodies of marine organisms.


  1. Evaluation of Microplastics in Drinking Water Samples: a Great Threat to Human Health

The purity of drinking water is highly necessary to avoid any human health impacts. However, microplastics are also found in great amounts in the drinking water samples as well. The purpose of the current research is to evaluate drinking water from different sources and quantify the presence of microplastics in these samples.


  1. Extraction and Quantification of Microplastics From Different Soil Samples

Soil pollution is a major environmental issue. However, the contamination of soil through microplastics is another major concern as these plastics can enter crops, and plants and contaminate the food chain. The aim of the present research study is to collect different soil samples and quantify the number of microplastics that occur in them.


  1. Determination of Microplastics in Laundry Wastewater Polluting Waterbodies

Laundry wastewater is highly polluted water that typically contains many harmful chemicals and detergents in it. Another major concern is the presence of microplastics in this wastewater. This research study focuses on evaluating and characterizing the type of microplastics and microfibers that occur in laundry wastewater being released into the environment.


  1. Assessment of Microplastic Interaction With Organisms in Soil

Microplastics are a class of pollutants that have adverse impacts on soil microbes. These pollutants not only impact soil but also affect the functioning of microorganisms. The aim of the current research is to find out the impact of microplastic toxicity in soil, on soil microbes and their functioning.


  1. Quantification and Assessment of Microplastics in Household Dust Samples

Airborne microplastics are harmful as they can be inhaled by humans and can cause adverse health effects. It is important to analyze these plastics in dust that occurs indoors. The research is focused on assessing and quantifying the microplastics that occur within indoor dust in homes and gets inhaled by human beings in routine.


  1. Evaluating the Potential of Magnetic Biochar for Microplastic Removal From Polluted Waters

Microplastics occur in large amounts in wastewater samples. One of the ways to remove these plastics from polluted waters is by using magnetic biochar. The aim of this research is to evaluate the uptake potential of magnetic biochar in the effective uptake and removal of microplastics from any given wastewater sample.


  1. Removal of Microplastics From Wastewater Through Bioremediation: A Green Solution

Microplastics are found in wastewater samples being released from industries. It is necessary that these plastics are removed from wastewater through wastewater treatment methods otherwise their release into the environment can be harmful. Bioremediation has been identified as an effective treatment of wastewater that also removes microplastics. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the potential of bioremediation to remove microplastics from wastewater.

Environmental Science and Soil

  1. Treatment of Heavy Metal-Contaminated Soil Through Phytoremediation

Soil contamination has adverse impacts on the growth of plants. Heavy metal contamination in soil is hazardous as these persist for a long time and enter the food web. Phytoremediation is a sustainable approach for the treatment of such contaminated soil. The aim of this research is to remediate soil and control heavy metal uptake by plants.


  1. Evaluating the Impacts on Soil Erosion Due to Tillage: A Cohort Study

Conventional tillage is harmful as it causes the loss of the fertile layer of soil and also impacts the growth of crops. Soil erosion is enhanced due to tillage activities that ultimately cause soil fertility reduction. The aim of this research is to evaluate the effect on soil erosion under tillage and non-tillage scenarios.


  1. Impact on Soil Structure and Growth of Plant by Application of Vermicompost

Vermicompost is a natural soil amendment that acts as a conditioner to improve soil quality and structure. It also improves the growth of plants that are being exposed to such soil treatment. The aim of the research is to evaluate the positive impacts of vermicompost application on the soil as well as on the growth of the plant.


  1. Assessment of The Effect of Biochar and Manure on Rice Growth

Rice is an important crop that is consumed in large quantities in many countries. Enhancing its growth to meet the food needs of the increasing population is important. Biochar can play a role in increasing the growth of rice. The aim of this study is to evaluate the growth of rice under the combined application of manure and biochar.


  1. Usage of Lime and Fly Ash for Effective Stabilization of Soil

Soil structure is negatively influenced by repeated agricultural activities. It is necessary that the structure of the soil is stabilized so that more crops can be grown on it. The purpose of this research is to promote soil stabilization through the application of fly ash and lime as soil-improving agents.


  1. Evaluation of the Impact of Chemical Fertilizers on Soil Microbes

Soil microbes play a very important role in the soil ecosystem. They are involved in the mineralization of carbon and improving the overall texture and structure of the soil. The aim of this study is to evaluate the negative impacts of various chemical fertilizers on the functioning and structure of microorganisms that exist in the soil.


  1. Sequestration of Carbon in Soil Through Black Carbon

Soils act as a sink for many pollutants and compounds. Carbon from the atmosphere can be sequestered in the soil through the usage of Black Carbon which comes from transport fumes, biomass fires, etc. This study is aimed at reducing carbon levels in the atmosphere by using black carbon as a carbon adsorbent in soil.


  1. Removal of Pollutants From Soil Using Agricultural Waste Adsorbent

Soils are heavily polluted by various pollutants everywhere. The growth of plants on such contaminated soils is compromised. Adsorbents can help in removing pollutants from soil and thus improve soil quality. This research is focused on the usage of sustainable adsorbents made from agricultural waste to remove different organic and inorganic pollutants from soil.


  1. Determination of Effectiveness of Pristine and Biochar For Arsenic Removal From Soil

Arsenic is a toxic and persistent heavy metal that is harmful to humans. It widely occurs in soil and impacts the growth of plants. One of the ways to remove it from the soil is by using biochar. The focus of this research is the co-application of biochar and pristine for effective remediation of arsenic-contaminated soil.


  1. Remediation of Crude Oil-Contaminated Soil Through Bacteria

Crude oil-contaminated soil can have very harmful impacts if not treated or handled properly. Bacterial application on such contaminated soil is one such technique for remediation. The purpose of this research is to extract different bacterial strains that have the ability to degrade crude oil and use these organisms to remediate contaminated soil.

Environmental Science and Toxicology

  1. Evaluation of Amounts of Polychlorinated Biphenyl (Pcbs) Ingested by Fishes

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are very harmful environmental pollutants that have toxicological effects on living organisms. They are typically released as a by-product of various industrial processes. This research will focus on the impacts of PCBs on fish, the consumed levels of these pollutants by the fish, and the consequent effects.


  1. Determination of Levels of Heavy Metals in Edible Seafood

Heavy metal contamination of aquatic bodies is hazardous as these metals ultimately get up-taken by animals. The seafood organisms also consume heavy metals from water and have health risks to humans. The focus of this research is to evaluate the levels of heavy metals accumulated in various seafood organisms and their estimated risks to human health.


  1. Estimation of the Potential of Ascorbic Acid to Reduce Cadmium Toxicity Levels in Mazie

Cadmium (Cd) is found to be a serious pollutant in soils mainly those used for agriculture. Cd toxicity also impacts food security by entering plants and must be controlled to reduce its negative impacts. This research is focused on using ascorbic acid for reducing the uptake of Cd in maize and assessing the success of this acid in decreasing Cd toxicity.


  1. Measurement of Bioaccumulation and Toxicity of Chromium in Legume Plants

Chromium (Cr) is a toxic carcinogen that can occur in soil and adversely impact the soil-plant systems. It easily gets added to the food chain due to its high solubility. The aim of this research is to evaluate the levels of chromium bioaccumulated in legume plants and the impairment of plant growth.


  1. Impact of Pesticide Toxicity on Microbial Community in Soil

Pesticides are extensively used in order to meet the food needs of the growing population. They contain chemicals that persist in the environment for long time periods and impact soil quality, microbial community, and plants. The interaction between pesticides and microbes is not much studied. This study is aimed at evaluating the impact of pesticides on microbial organisms present in the soil.


  1. Estimation of Bioaccumulation Levels of Organochlorine Pesticides in Water Bodies

Organochlorine pesticides are a class of pesticides that are commonly used. These pesticide residues accumulate in soil and water, thereby contaminating the food chain and impacting human health. This research is focused on estimating the levels of bioaccumulation of this pesticide in aquatic organisms, sediments, and water and comparing it with the standards.


  1. Determination of Cyanotoxins in Drinking Water Samples

Cyanotoxins are produced by cyanobacterial blooms that are often formed in water enriched with nutrients. These toxins are of great concern as they impact aquatic ecosystems as well as human health. This study is focused on evaluating the levels or presence of these cyanotoxins in drinking water samples to identify human exposure levels.


  1. Assessment of Toxicity Levels in Earthworms Due to Insecticides

Insecticides are frequently added to agricultural soils to avoid insect attacks and save crops from getting wasted. These insecticides have an impact on the crops as well as the soil microbial community. This research is aimed at evaluating the impacts of insecticide toxicity on earthworms which play a very important role in improving soil fertility and structure.


  1. Evaluation of Microplastic-induced Cellular Toxicity in Marine Animals

Microplastics bind with several other pollutants and enter the bodies of marine animals. The toxicity in marine animals caused by microplastic bonded with hazardous pollutants is important to be studied as the entire food web gets accumulated with these plastics. The focus of this research is to determine the deposition and impact of pollutant-loaded microplastics at the cellular level of marine organisms.


  1. Determination of Accumulated Levels of Toxicity of Arsenic in Rice

Arsenic-related toxicity is directly impacting millions of people around the globe. It exists in various environments with oxidative stress and also gets added to the food chain via water and soil. The research is aimed at evaluating the arsenic toxicity in rice and evaluating the levels accumulated in grain and other parts of rice crops.

Environmental Science and Policy

  1. Setting up Policy to Regulate and Deal With the Hot Issue of Highly Polluted Air

Air Pollution has become a very important issue in the current times. It has large-scale impacts on the ecosystem, deteriorates human health, and is transboundary in nature. This research is focused on proposing a comprehensive policy regarding controlling air pollution and innovative technologies to capture and remove air pollutants.


  1. Ensuring Neutrality in Land Degradation Through Policy Making

Policymaking has a very crucial role as it provides a set of guidelines that need to be followed. Land degradation is very common due for various reasons. The focus of this research is to establish a policy set for introducing neutrality in land degradation and help in the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals.


  1. Formulating an Effective Policy for Sustainable Water Management

Water resources are declining at an unprecedented rate. Until now strict laws and policies are made to control the pollution and waste of this resource, and it will continue to be degraded. The aim of this study is to help formulate a policy for effective and sustainable management of water resources and improving the quality of water bodies.


  1. Setting up Rules and Regulations for Increasing Urban Green Spaces

Green spaces play a very significant role as they allow people to connect with nature and also improve overall health. These spaces should be increased because they have a positive impact on both environment and human health. This study is aimed at setting up a national policy for urban green space enhancement by converting non-green, unmanaged areas into green places.


  1. Evaluation of Initiatives and Sustainability Policies in Academic Institutes

Sustainability is being emphasized greatly in this present era. The most important implementation of sustainability starts from academic institutes where initiatives, strategies, and other outreach programs are highlighted to attain sustainability. The focus of this research is to evaluate sustainability initiatives and policy implementation in higher academic institutes.


  1. Establishment of a Comprehensive Public Health Policy

Public health is the ultimate priority in the current times where pollution levels are so high and damaging to human health. Stringent laws and policies can help achieve good public health. This research is based on policy development to ensure that public health is given priority and pollution is controlled in the environment.


  1. Introducing New and Operative Policies Related to Single-Use Plastic Products

Plastic waste has become the biggest concern for humans as its amount is increasing with every passing day. Single-use plastic products are of greater concern as they adversely impact the environment. The aim of this research is to set up a policy related to controlling the use of and providing alternatives for single-use plastic products.


  1. Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Implementation of Climate Policy

Climate change has become an ugly truth for humans. Each country has set up its own climate policy apart from the global climate policy. However, the main problem lies in the non-effective implementation of this policy. This study is aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of national climate policy and the barriers to its implementation.


  1. Assessing the Practicality of Policy for Reducing Deforestation and Loss of Carbon Sinks

Forests are an integral part of our ecosystem as they are the biggest reservoirs of carbon. Human activities over the years, but mostly in the current era have led to the loss of huge forest areas and thus the carbon sinks. This research is aimed at providing a comprehensive policy to save these carbon sinks by reducing deforestation.


  1. Promoting the Formulation of Policies for Renewable Energy Promotion

Renewable energy is the most sustainable choice we have to overcome all the issues caused by anthropogenic activities. Renewable energy must be promoted at all costs. This study is based on setting a detailed policy for promoting renewable energy technology and transitioning from non-renewable energy towards renewable energy at a large scale.

Environmental Science and GIS/Modelling

  1. Application of GIS-Based Technology for the Assessment of Water Quality

Water is an important natural resource, and it has been greatly polluted due to anthropogenic activities. GIS-based tools help in the effective evaluation of various parameters of water and other natural resources. This research is focused on evaluating the quality of water bodies using GIS and understanding the different issues in water quality.


2.     Using GIS and Remote Sensing to Evaluate Forest Degraded Area

The forested area is decreasing with every passing day due to the high rate of deforestation. GIS helps in estimating and mapping the forest area that has been lost. This study is aimed at evaluating the forested area in a specific region that has been lost over a certain span of time.


3.     Modelling and GIS-Based Detection of Change In Land-Use/Land-Cover

Land use changes have become common as rapid urbanization and industrialization have caused the land to degrade. GIS can help in estimating the land cover changes in any region. The aim of this research is to use GIS for mopping the Land-use land cover changes over the past and present times in any specific area.


4.     Use of GIS and Remote Sensing in the Modelling of Heat Waves

Heat waves have become a common happening due to climate change. These extreme weather events need to be predicted so that precautionary measures can be taken timely. This research is focused on carrying out the analysis of the frequency of heat waves and estimating the risks in any particular region using GIS modeling.


5.     Mapping of Landslide Hazards Using GIS Modelling

Land-sliding occurrences have become common due to current climatic conditions and have a harmful impact on property and humans. This research is aimed at evaluating hazards of land-sliding in mountainous areas using GIS and Remote sensing so that prone and high-risk areas are identified, and precautions can be taken before disaster occurrence.


6.     GIS-Based Assessment of Vulnerability of Groundwater

Groundwater is an important source of drinking water in both urban and rural areas. It is being badly influenced by urbanization and industrialization. This research focuses on using GIS to evaluate the vulnerability of groundwater and estimate the risks being posed to naturally occurring groundwater resources due to human activities.


7.     Assessing Wind Farm Site Suitability by the Application of GIS Knowledge

Energy crises can be overcome by promoting renewable energy transition. Wind farms can generate enough electrical energy and decrease the gap between energy demand and supply. This study is focused on using GIS to propose the most suitable site for the installation of a wind farm but evaluating different criteria required for wind energy’s success.


8.     Assessment of Fire Risks Using GIS Modelling

Intensified global warming has led to more frequent fire outbursts all around the globe. Fire risks need to be evaluated so that they can be managed effectively. The aim of this research is to use GIS modeling and predict future risks and events that can occur by modeling forest fires.


9.     Evaluating Glacial Loss With The Help of GIS Modelling

Glaciers are receding at an unpredictable rate due to global warming. This research is aimed at evaluating the past and current levels of glaciers to estimate the lost glacial area as well as predict future loss so that effective measures can be taken to control damage caused to humans and property by its loss.


10.  Applying the GIS and Remote Sensing Techniques to Evaluate Changes in Lakes

The lakes have become polluted and receded in the area over time due to various anthropogenic activities. It is important to estimate the lost area of lakes. The aim of this study is to evaluate the changes in lake body area over a certain time period by modeling through GIS and Remote sensing.

Environmental Science and Law

  1. Evaluating the Minimization of Carbon Emissions Through Tax Payments

Carbon emissions are increasing with each passing day. One of the ways to control these emissions is through the payment of taxes. This research focuses on estimating the levels of carbon dioxide reduced and the decline in individual carbon footprint due to tax impositions on people polluting the environment through their life activities.


  1. Analyzing Forest Laws in a Country

Forests are the treasure of any country and must be protected at all costs. Stringent forest laws can prevent their loss due to human activities such as urbanization and industrialization. The aim of this research is to analyze the current forest laws and their effectiveness in reducing forested area loss in a country.


  1. Assessing the Effectiveness of Laws Related to Wildlife Protection

Wildlife has been immensely subjected to human-induced loss either through habitat destruction or illegal hunting. This research is aimed at evaluating how stringent are the laws related to wildlife protection and the success of their implementation in reducing the loss of wildlife and wildlife habitats.


  1. Management of Hazardous Waste by Formulating Standard Laws

Hazardous waste is harmful to the environment and human health if not properly managed. Laws exist in every country that focuses on managing and handling this waste in a specific manner. The aim of this research is to evaluate how hazardous waste is being managed through law implementation and foresee what are barriers that are decreasing the effectiveness of law implementation.


  1. Evaluating the Role of Policies in the Management of Waste

Solid waste management is important for reducing environmental contamination and saving natural resources such as water, soil, etc. from getting polluted. This study is focused on evaluating the role implementation of sustainable policies can play in the integrated management of solid waste in any country and the issues in implementing these policies.


  1. Critical Analysis of Laws Related to Air Pollution

Air pollution is a major environmental issue and many laws have been formulated to control the release and spread of different air pollutants. The aim of this research is to critically analyze the effectiveness and success of air pollution-related laws implementation and the level to which air pollution has been controlled since the enforcement of these laws.


  1. Effectiveness of Laws for the Conservation of Rivers

Rivers are a very important asset and must be protected from pollution and human-induced loss at all costs. This study focuses on analyzing how rivers are being protected by laws in any region and assessing whether the various parameters in rivers are meeting the established standards or not.


  1. Analysis of International Laws and Policies on Climate Change

Climate change has become inevitable and has impacted the entire planet. Many international policies and laws have been formulated addressing this issue. The aim of this study is to critically analyze all the policies, laws, and treaties related to climate change and their effectiveness in controlling environmental pollution.


  1. Critically Analyzing Air and Water Pollution Standards in an Region

Air and water pollution have become a serious concern. The standards established to control the pollution of air and water vary for each country. The purpose of this research is to analyze the air and water pollution standards in any region, evaluate the strictness in the implementation of these standards, and assess the need to revise these standards.


  1. Assessing the Role of Penalties in Controlling Pollution

Penalties play a major role in controlling any pollution whether it is related to air, water, or soil. The goal of this study is to evaluate how penalties can help in controlling pollution caused by anthropogenic activities and whether or not such penalties should be implemented for longer periods.

Environmental Science and Economics

  1. Determining the Role of Iso Standards in Quality and Environmental Management

Quality and environmental management in any organization is very important and can be attained by implementing ISO standards as part of their policy and mission. This study is focused on evaluating the role ISO 9001 and 14001 can play in ensuring quality and environmental management in any specific company or industrial sector.


  1. Evaluating the Finances Required for Air Pollution Monitoring

The monitoring of air pollution is a continuous process and requires great resources and finances. This research is aimed at analyzing the cost of monitoring air pollution in any area for a certain time period and how this cost can be managed by switching to using satellite-based data.


  1. Conducting a Cross-Sectional Survey for Estimating the Economic Impacts of Air Pollution

Air pollution has adverse impacts not only on the environment but also on human health. The aim of this study is to determine the economic burden and cost of air pollution by estimating the death and sickness of humans due to air pollution as well as the loss of agricultural yield due to air pollution.


  1. Determining the Relationship Between Growing Emissions and Organizational Productivity

Increased emissions have a great impact on the productivity of an organization. The aim of this research is to estimate the loss of productivity in any organization due to increased pollution and emissions. This shall help in controlling pollution so that the health of people is not compromised, and productivity remains good.


  1. Evaluating the Economic Loss of Forest Biodiversity

Forest biodiversity has not only environmental value but also holds great economic value. The aim of this research is to evaluate how the loss of important tree and medicinal plant species is impacting the economy and needs of people as well as proposed measures for the reforestation of those specific species.


  1. Economic Analysis of Waste Disposal Programs

Waste handling is a major issue not only in developing countries but also in the developed world. The disposal and handling of waste have a great financial burden. The purpose of this study is to analyze the economic cost of handling, disposing of, landfilling, or incinerating the solid waste being generated in a specific area.


  1. Assessing the Economic Losses due to Extreme Events

Extreme weather events such as floods, heat waves, rainfalls, etc. cause huge economic losses which are often ignored as they are not properly estimated. This research is focused on estimating the financial losses faced by people due to floods and the economic burden imposed on the economy by this extreme event.


  1. Analyzing the Impact of Climate Change on Economy

Climate change has very negative impacts on the overall economy of any country. This research is aimed at assessing the economic losses due to climate change, the cost spent tackling and controlling the impacts of climate change as well as projecting the future financial burden to be caused by climate change.


  1. Listing the Economic Issues in the Context of Loss of Agricultural Yield

Global warming is adversely impacting our environment and more importantly the food crops we consume. Agricultural productivity is declining with the increasing warming temperatures. This research is aimed at assessing the total agricultural yield lost in a year due to global warming and the financial losses and burden on the economy as a result of this loss.

  1. Estimating the Positive and Negative Economic and Environmental Impacts of Urban Development

Urban development has immensely increased with the rapid population explosion. However, this urbanization has caused severe negative impacts on the environment as well as on the economy. This study aims to assess the positive and negative impacts on the economy caused by urbanization and the ways to overcome the negative economic losses.


Miscellaneous Environmental Science Research Topics

Environmental Studies Micro Project Topics

  1. Preparation of Biodegradable Compost From Kitchen Waste

Disposal and management of solid waste, a major proportion of which is organic in nature has become a serious environmental concern with the rising population. This environmental issue can be addressed if organic waste is recycled in composting which has many agricultural benefits. In this micro project, students will recycle their kitchen food waste into biodegradable compost in a bucket.


  1. Designing a Working Model for Harnessing Wind Energy

The utilization of clean, non-polluting, and renewable energy is crucial to addressing the world’s rising need for electricity and the depletion of conventional energy sources. The current study will require the students to construct a model design of a wind turbine to demonstrate how wind energy will be harnessed and converted into useful electricity.


  1. Designing a Working Model for Harvesting Rainwater

The water crisis is considered to be the greatest global threat. Climate change is causing the global water cycle to accelerate resulting in floods and droughts. Therefore, in order to address the management and storage of water, the objective of this project is to design different models to show different construction interventions through which rainwater can be harvested and stored for various applications.


  1. Designing a Working Model For a Solar Cooker

The concept of solar cookers is found to be important for energy-insecure countries especially developing countries. In this research project, students will be asked to design a portable solar cooker using different reflector materials such as stainless steel or aluminum foil. The model will demonstrate how solar cookers will capture heat and will be able to cook and boil eggs, rice, and other food items.


  1. Determination of Drinking Water Quality in Slum Areas

Due to rapid industrialization, the water quality is being degraded and is responsible for many waterborne diseases, especially people below the poverty line living in the slums are mostly affected. This study aims to analyze the drinking water quality parameters such as biological, chemical, and physical parameters of water samples collected from slum areas and compare them will the national water quality standards.


  1. Survey of Current Solid Waste Management Practices of a Local Community

This observational and questionnaire-based survey will be conducted in a selected local community. Data regarding the municipal waste management authority and from the households will be collected. The collected data and information will be analyzed whether that particular community has a proper waste management system and what other measures they need to do in addition to ongoing practices.


  1. Survey of Hygiene and Sanitary Practices of Local Food Vendors

Local food vendors often lack proper sanitation and hygiene practices in preparing food which is why street food is sometimes considered to be unhealthy due to the risks of spreading foodborne diseases. This study aims to conduct a questionnaire-based survey of a number of different food vendors making different food items. The food samples will also be collected and will undergo microscopic study as well as culture media to detect the presence and quantity of microbes.


  1. Designing a Waste Management System for an Educational Institution

In this study, the researcher will design a suitable waste management system (waste collection, segregation, and transfer, etc.) for a selected educational institution by collecting data such as the total waste generation rate of that institution, nature of the waste (hazardous, pathogenic, and non-pathogenic, etc.), type of waste (plastic, glass, food, and paper, etc.) and other relevant data.


  1. Designing an Emergency Response Plan for an Educational Institution

Emergency preparedness in educational institutions is very crucial for the safety of the students in order to respond actively and wisely in emergency and life-threatening situations. The goal of this study will be to design an emergency response plan for the selected institution. Considerations such as installment of emergency contact numbers, alarms, fire extinguishers, exit signs, emergency exit gates, emergency exit maps, etc.


  1. Survey of Public Opinion Regarding the Use of Mass Transport System

Mass transportation services have both positive and negative impacts on the environment. This questionnaire-based survey will be conducted among local people to assess what are their preferences for mass transportation services such as transit trains and buses. The data collected from the survey will help in analyzing the positive and negative opinions of the people with respect to their environmental and economic concerns.

Good Research Topics for Environmental Science

  1. Designing of Environmental Management Plan for a Chemical Industry

Chemical industries have a great impact on our environment. The gaseous emissions emitted are responsible for air pollution. The liquid chemical effluents released in water bodies are a source of water pollution. There are similar plenty of negative impacts of these chemical industries. This research will however focus on designing an effective environmental management plan to cope with all these environmental problems.


  1. Influence of Green Marketing on Consumer’s Attitude Towards Environmentally Friendly Products

It is believed that in this era of raised global concern regarding saving the planet, the only products that are going to succeed are environment-friendly products. In this research paper, we aim to find out the influence of green marketing on consumers’ attitudes via a cross-sectional survey. As a result, we will be able to figure out the probability of success and the future of green products.


  1. Designing of Occupational Health and Safety Management System of a Public Sector University

When working in an organization or institute, there are several risks and hazards imposed on working staff. It is the responsibility of the organization to provide them with health and safety measures. In this regard, this research aims at designing an occupational health and safety management system for a public-sector university.


  1. Health Benefits of Cookstove Interventions in Rural Communities: A Cost-Benefit Analysis

Rural areas are more prone to negative health conditions majorly due to indoor air pollution. This is because rural areas lack gas connections and have to live on biomass or solid fuel. To alleviate these health concerns, modern and advanced cookstoves are quite helpful. In this research, we will carry out a cost-benefit analysis to determine the effectiveness of cookstove interventions in rural areas.


  1. Assessment of Noise Pollution and its Health Impacts on Human Health in Industrial Zones

Apart from many other pollution sources, industries are a potential source of noise pollution too. The heavy machinery running in an industry creates lots of noise, resulting in an unpleasant environment. In this study, we will assess the association between negative health impacts and industrial noise pollution.


  1. Investigation of Causes and Health Impacts of Winter Smog in a Metropolitan City

Seasonal variations themselves impose great health effects. The situation becomes worst when the environment is also affected negatively. Particularly, in winter, smog is a major health concern in a metropolitan city. This study aims at determining the potential causes and health impacts of winter smog.

  1. Investigating the Impact of Noise Pollution on the Work Efficiency of Labors

Occupational health and safety are a raising concern worldwide. Workers working in an industry with enormous noise pollution may have several adverse health conditions due to this noise pollution. This study aims at determining how this noise pollution, despite impacting health, affects the efficiency of the workers.


  1. Mapping of Flood-Prone Areas Using GIS and Remote Sensing Tools

Disaster risk management prior to a disaster is the most effective strategy a government can adopt. The same goes for floods, which cause massive life and property damage. For this purpose, GIS and Remote sensing can be very helpful. In this study, we will try to map flood-prone areas with the assistance of GIS and remote sensing tools to prepare for calamities even before they occur.


  1. Socioeconomic Benefits of Sanitary Landfills in Sustainable Development

Many countries lack proper waste management and disposal systems which leads to several environmental problems. Keeping this issue in view, we will conduct a cross-sectional survey and aim to figure out all the potential socio-economic benefits of sanitary landfills in sustainable development.


  1. The Future of Vertical Farming: Assessment of Environmental, Economic and Technological Feasibility

Framing is no more about traditional practices. One of the most advanced types of farming is vertical farming. It refers to the growing of crops in vertical stacks under controlled environmental conditions. The goal of this study is to foresee the future of vertical farming in the context of environmental, economic, and technological feasibility.

Quantitative Research Titles About Environmental Science

  1. Survey of Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice Among School Students Toward Water Use and Conservation

School students should be aware of water conservation strategies. Many schools have this topic of water conservation in the course outline of students in which they are made familiar with water conservation strategies such as using water carefully, turning off the taps when they are not in use, and repairing the dripping taps, etc. Thus, the study will be conducted in school and would enlist student behavior toward water-saving practices.


  1. Consumers’ Perceptions of Acceptance Toward Lab-Grown Meat, Farm-Raised Meat, and Plant-Based Protein Alternatives

People in general prefer farm-raised meat over other alternatives due to its nutritional value. Then after this, they go for plant-based protein alternatives. They prefer these two options due to natural reasons. While lab-grown meat is not preferred as it does not hold any natural values. This survey would include asking people for their preferences related to meat grown in a lab, raised on a farm, and other plant alternatives for protein.


  1. People’s Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Towards Sustainable Waste Management in an Urban City

Sustainable waste management is one of the basic methods to move towards a sustainable future. Therefore, it is important for all to have basic knowledge with a positive attitude. This survey would include asking people for knowledge about sustainable waste management and their practice.


  1. Survey of Emergency Response Preparedness Among Students in Schools

Emergency response preparedness is a must to have knowledge for students. They should be told to stay calm and use their brain. They should be taught about secret exit areas and basic knowledge of self-defense and this survey would assess the response shown by students in an emergency situation.


  1. Public Perceptions and Behaviors Towards Products Made From Recycled Waste

People usually praise the products that are made from recycled items, but they do not purchase these products as their first preference. Their preference is mostly virgin items. Quality, individual preferences, and emotions attached to buying affect their perception. This survey would find people’s behavior towards recycled products.


  1. Assessment of Consumers’ Attitude Towards Environmental Values and Willingness to Pay More for Eco-Friendly Products

Eco-friendly products do not cause any damage to the environment. They impart positive effects and maintain environment-friendly situations. Most people take care of the natural environment and maintain it. This essay would assess people’s response to consuming environmentally friendly products such as the use of cloth bags instead of plastic bags.


  1. Survey of Gender-Based Attitudes and Behaviors Toward Environmental Problems

Environmental problems such as pollution, urbanization, and climate change affect differently to both genders. women have a natural ability to cope with difficult conditions in a better way as compared to males and are found to be more environmentally friendly. This survey would assess the attitudes of both genders while dealing with environmental problems.


  1. Association of Noise Pollution With Negative Psychological Health Impacts Among People

Sound monitoring is always active in the brain even while we are sleeping. Noise pollution can be considered a cause of stress among people and can affect their psychological health. This survey would find the effects of noise pollution on people’s behavior as it aggravates anger and frustration.


  1. Survey-Based Study to Assess Public Perception Toward Climate Change

People are vulnerable to climate change and this trait is not based on genes. It is human-produced and does not have a genetic basis. This survey would elaborate on people’s attitudes toward the effects of climate change and assess their perception of these situations.


  1. Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Towards Single-Use Plastic Among University Students

Single-use plastics are not eco-friendly and are the major cause of environmental pollution. SUP working party aims to remove all the plastic from the world that can be used for once. Plastic should be recycled and reused. This survey would find the attitude of university students on the use of such plastic products that can be used only one time.

The topic you choose for your research should have a broad scope of discussion and be unique, simple, and easy to understand. So, take your time before deciding on environmental research topics. Learner must demonstrate their position on the environmental studies project topics of their choice. They should also include both opposing and supporting arguments. Furthermore, every student should select an environment essay topic to help them achieve their academic objectives.


You can choose any environmental research paper topics mentioned in this post to differentiate yourself from the competition. You can research fire ecology, remote sensing, renewable energy, noise pollution, bioremediation, limnology, and environmental justice in addition to the critical areas of environmental science.


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